What is the common Chinese dialect spoken in Chengdu?
People in different cities in China speak a different dialect. The pronunciation of the Chengdu dialect is very similar to mandarin, but the tones are different. However, most people understand Mandarin. If you can speak Mandarin, it won’t be a problem for you to talk with your colleagues during the internship because most Chinese People prefer to talk in mandarin at work.
What if you cannot speak Chinese? Don’t worry! As you will do your internship in an international hotel or company, many of your colleagues can speak English.
Tip: you can download some translation apps, such as pleco, youdao, etc. in advance for daily using.
Will my SIM card work in China?
Generally, foreign sim cards are not working in China, but you can still easily get in touch with our staff member who will pick up at you at the airport by connecting the free airport WIFI. International interns can buy a SIM card easily with a passport.
Tip: There are 3 main sim card providers in China. China Mobile, China Telecom, China Unicom. Please note that some small stores do not have the right to sell SIM card to foreigners, it’s better to ask your Chinese friends to call them before you go to any of those stores.
Where to buy goods for daily use and Imported food during your internship in China?
Although you can find many stores selling a variety of daily goods and food every corner in Chengdu, if you prefer something you already get used to at home during your internship in China, you can go to Walmart or Carrefour. It’s easy to get to Walmartor Carrefour in Chengdu by taking the subway.
Tip: You need to pay by RMB or Chinese bank card because they don’t accept foreign visa or master card.
What’s the best transportation option during your internship in Chengdu?
Chengdu is developing at an amazing speed. There are countless bus stations every 500 meters and 7 metro lines is open to public now.
For international interns who don’t know Chinese, using the subway system is the best option to get around Chengdu. The signs and maps are in Chinese and English, so it is easier to understand where you are and where you are going. Also, it helps to avoid traffic jams if you were to take a bus or taxi instead on your way to your internship.
Tip: You can download some apps such as METRO CD, MAPS.ME, etc. before arrival.
If you’re planning an internship to China, contact us with your questions. SII is one of the leading internship providers in China and offers a wide variety of internship opportunities in various sectors including full support packages during your internship. Contact us today for free consultation and price offer according to your needs.
Our website: www.paidinternshipsinchina.com
Email: info@sii-internship.com
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